Welcome to the Union FBLA blog! We hope that this blog will be a way for chapter and community members to get an insight on our chapter and all its projects. Be sure to look for updates about recent Union FBLA activity! Thanks for helping Union FBLA be Simply the Best!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Leaders Link Newsletter

The Oregon State Officer team has released the winter issue of their newsletter The Leaders Link. You can find this on our website http://www.union.k12.or.us/gayle_rickman/union_fbla or http://www.oregonfbla.org.

This issues if full of scholarship information and event information.

Remember Get The Edge!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Chapter Meeting

There will be a chapter meeting Monday, November 24 during 3rd period. The goals of this meeting are to schedule 12 Days of Christmas Activities and register members for the regional competition in February.

Friday, November 7, 2008


Welcome to the Union High School FBLA Blog. This is a new project that I, as president, thought would be a good way to get information out to the members of Union FBLA on what is going on. Please check back often for updates. I look forward to sharing information with all of you.